Thursday, February 4, 2010

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth :)

So I got a text from Jenilyn a while ago saying that I need to update my blog so Jenilyn, this is dedicated just for you :)

I don't really have much to say... Nothing's exactly new in my life, just the same old school. This week pretty much sucked because of assignments and tests. Ok I swear that professors all get together and purposely plan all of their tests for the same week. I had like three tests and two papers due this week and it sucked! I know, I know, I'm in college and that's how it's supposed to be right? Wrong! Last semester spoiled me. I had like no homework and all the tests were easy. This semester I have to actually do assignments and study extra hard for all of my tests :( Bummer.

Hmm lets see, what else is new?... Oh yeah! Today felt almost like spring up here in Logan Utah! It was so warm that I only had to wear a light jacket to school. Shocking, I know. I think the high was about 40 degrees, but trust me... that's warm. I'm getting sick of waking up for my 7:30 class and having to go outside in below 0 temperatures. I've honestly forgotten what summer is like.

I think it's a record, I haven't been home for two weeks in a row. I'm going home tomorrow thank goodness cause my clothes hamper has been full for about a week now and it's overflowing - majorly. You pretty much can't see the floor of my side of the room. You might think I'm joking, but trust me I'm not. Poor Tammy!

Everyone always has cool pictures to go with their blogs but I'm lame and haven't taken like any pictures of anything up here. I have an idea! I'll take some pictures of my room when I've done all of my laundry and you can see the floor again and then post them on here next time I blog. Then my page won't look so boring :) Well, here's this one for now. I know that Ty doesn't deal with anything I wrote, but I want my page to look a little more exciting... I guess.

Awe I miss this little guy :)


  1. Awh! I loved it! My favorite was the part where it was dedicated to me. Oh yeah and the part where you wanted to spice up your posts with pictures :) I loved it and i MISS you!!!!

  2. It was great to see you this last weekend :)
