Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Amazing Race

Well it looks like it's time for my annual blog post so here goes.  I have had a Halloween party every year since I was in the 7th grade.  This has been one of my favorite Halloween traditions and I am really going to try to keep it up as long as possible.  Who knows, maybe it will be a tradition for the rest of my life!  Anyways, for my 10th annual Halloween party I hosted a Halloween themed Amazing Race.  All I can say is that if you're thinking about doing an Amazing Race for a party, DO IT!  My guests all loved and they had so much fun!  Who doesn't love making a fool of themselves and running around like a kid on Halloween?  Plus it was fun to watch each other's videos and look at the pictures that the other groups took when it was all over.

Here's how I did it.  I had four different "pit stops" where each group had to complete three tasks before they could move on to the next pit stop.  I had each group start at a different pit stop and rotate through them in order so that they wouldn't be stepping on each other's toes.  After they had finished all three tasks at each pit stop they were directed to the "final destination" where I was waiting to tell them which place they came in the race.  My race works best with four groups with at least four people in each group, but you could have more groups - you would just need to make more pit stops and tasks.  Or, you could have less groups and keep all of the pit stops.  It's all up to you and how you want to organize your party!  I put one person in each group in charge of handing out the task cards and making sure that the entire group did each task correctly.  This person was also the designated driver and would text me when they were moving on to the next pit stop.  This helped me know where everyone was at so that I could get to the final destination spot in time.

Ok so here's my pit stops and clues.  I live in student housing next to a college campus so some of my pit stops and tasks might not work for you, but you can adapt them or create new tasks that fit your area.  Just be creative :)

Pit Stop #1:  My Apartment
  1. Build a tower out of toothpicks and marshmallows to receive your clue.  The tower must be at least 12 inches tall and stand on it’s own long enough to be measured. 
  2. Pick a member of your team to drink the zombie vomit (you’ll find it in the fridge).  After he/she has finished the concoction you will be given your next clue. (recipe at the end of this post)
  3. Have four members of your group dance to the “This is Halloween” song on Just Dance.  You need to get a combined score of at least 30,000 points to receive your next clue that will direct you to the next pit stop (if you don’t get it in 3 tries, move on).
Pit Stop #2:  Bridgerland Apartments
  1. Trick-or-treat!  Go door to door and find someone that is willing to give you a piece of candy.  Once you get the piece of candy you will receive your next clue.  Don’t eat the candy!
  2. Reverse trick-or-treat.  Go to a different apartment and give the piece of candy you just received from your previous task to the person that answers the door.
  3. Walk along the canal behind Bridgerland apartments and retrieve the floating milk jug from the water.  Inside the jug you will find your next clue that will direct you to the next pit stop.  Please put the lid on the jug and put it back where you found it.
Pit Stop #3:  On Campus
  1. Have every member of your group take a picture with a different statue on campus.
  2. Find someone dressed up as a super hero and have them pose with your group in a picture.  (this person can’t be someone from our party)
  3. Find a random stranger who will let you wrap them up as a mummy.  After using the entire roll of toilet paper provided, take a picture with him/her.
Pit Stop #4:  Walmart
  1. Have a member of your group do some dance moves behind an unsuspecting shopper.  Record it with your camera/phone.
  2. Team sings "My bologna has a first name..." song while holding a package of bologna.  Record it with your camera/phone.
  3. Get a picture or video of everyone in your group staging a battle scene. (Think Nerf)
Final Destination:  Local Park
Race to the finish!  I am hidden somewhere in this park.  The first group to find me will win the race and claim the prize.  Your entire group has to be present in order for you to secure your place.  Good luck!

Zombie vomit recipe:  Mix together one can of split pea soup (mine was split pea with ham), one can of creamed corn, and some mandarin oranges chunks - serve it cold.  Top it off with some lightly beaten egg whites to make it look like there's frothy spit on top. 

Like I said, we had a lot of fun and we got some great stories out of it.  I think my personal favorite task was the dance moves behind an unsuspecting shopper.  And yes, I did get this idea from Ellen's dance dare :)  Good luck with your race, and feel free to comment and contribute some ideas!