Sunday, November 6, 2011


Like I said in my last post, I haven't been keeping my blog up very well. Luckily I have an awesome roommate who takes pictures and posted a blog about them so she did all the hard work! I can just tell you to go to her page and you can read about it there :)

One thing Callie didn't post about though... our moo moos!!! Alayna came up to visit last weekend before my Halloween party and when we went to Walmart we found the most amazing moo moos you have ever seen! They're covered in Mickey and Minnie Mouses (mice?) and are probably the most hideous things you've ever seen, but seriously I never want to take it off! It's like sleeping in a cloud. Sure, it makes me look like I'm 70 but I don't care! I'm wearing this moo moo every night for the rest of my life!


It's been a loooooong time since I last posted and a lot has happened, but if I tried to post about everything that's happened in my life since June I might go a little crazy. So here's one of the highlights of my summer: Harry Potter 7 part 2 :) You might remember my Twilight shirts. I did the same thing but with Harry Potter pictures for the midnight premiere of Harry Potter part 7.2. Since we saw the first part of Harry Potter together last year, me, Alayna, Callie, Tammy, Dani, and Cheylie made a pact that we would see the second part together.

Here's a picture of the first part of Harry Potter. And yes, we saw Hagrid. The real one? Possibly.
So on the night that the second part of Harry Potter came out we all met down at the gateway and watched it together complete with shirts :) Here's the final product:

Tammy with her boyfriend Rick:
Becky (my personal favorite):
Dani with her boyfriend Tony

Best. Night. Ever! I had so much fun and the shirts were definitely worth it, even though they were a big pain in the butt. Needless to say, I think these may be the last sets of shirts that I'm going to make for a while. Who knows though, Hunger Games is coming up! Maybe I'll just have to make a shirt just for myself ;)